aimee walker, jawbone jawbone, keiken, lois hopwood 
curated by qt collective ☁️

Open: Friday-Sunday 12-4pm (or by appointment), 26 October–14 November 2018
Preview: 6-9pm, Friday 26 September

you are my only certainty that creates uncertainty, we live up in the clouds . . . as online and offline combine, where do we store our dreams - in our heads or in google? we are a generation who are seen but never seen. but the url can also be a comfort blanket: in a climate of ambiguity we can find ourselves in the algorithm, fall in love on facetime or bury ourselves in the browser.

when the c l ouds come in is an exhibition looking at how we can massage our online habits, as we run behind to catch the social in social media - inviting us to , put our phones on airplane mode, and ask where we place ourselves in all the debris, dreams and data.

W w w.wellness ~ meditation + performance workshop
leave those texts on read, put your phone on airplane mode, and join us for an afternoon of guided meditation. we have to ‘remind’ our modern minds to be mindful - it’s easy to lose ourselves in the likes, keep our heads in the cloud⛅ . sometimes we’re too busy  our best life to actually live our best life artists aimee walker and emily simpson of qt collective, invite you to , and spend some time refreshing in the present.

digital detoxes - crate conversation with qt collective & ralph pritchard
join ralph pritchard and qt collective for a juice and a chat about digital detoxes. as online and offline combine, we need to update our manual for ‘good health’ to include our social media selves. we are the first generation to grow up online, and we are a l w a y s online do we need to update our ideas on intimacy as we update our browsers? and is it ok that you read my text and 5.45 and now its 5.47 and u havent replied nvm have a nice life join us both 4 for a juice and an informal discussion on dating with all this data, and what it rly means to have no wifi

instagram ☁️ ☁️

Images courtesy of & © Emily Simpson, 2018